A thorough article covering everything you want to know about the new Trek Remedy OCLV as well as the new Trek Scratch. Make sure you check out the whole article HERE.

Trek continues the expansion of its reinvigorated mountain line with the addition of the Remedy OCLV and Scratch. The Remedy OCLV is a made in the USA carbon version of their Remedy all-mountain bike launched in 2008, while the Scratch fills a hole in Trek’s line in the “freeride” category… Or freeride light… Or heavy duty all mountain… Or whatever you want to call that space between an all-mountain bike and a pure gravity bike.

Trek continues the expansion of its reinvigorated mountain line with the addition of the Remedy OCLV and Scratch. The Remedy OCLV is a made in the USA carbon version of their Remedy all-mountain bike launched in 2008, while the Scratch fills a hole in Trek’s line in the “freeride” category… Or freeride light… Or heavy duty all mountain… Or whatever you want to call that space between an all-mountain bike and a pure gravity bike.
With the addition of the Scratch, Trek now has a full line of suspension bikes with a common theme - the ABP suspension system. This completes a remarkable transition that began with the 2008 Trek Fuel EX - Trek’s the first ABP bike. I wrote about the significance back then - you can read it here. In just three model years, Trek moved from a collection of bikes that were disappointing when you considered Trek’s potential, to a complete line of exciting bikes that are among the best available anywhere. Trek’s always been home to talented bikemakers: now they have suspension bikes to match.
I used to bike every day until work got me all tied up. Just wanted to stop by and say that your blog is interesting. I still keep my mountain bike at home and go for a ride during weekends.